There are good reasons to think twice, or better three times, before installing a social app on Facebook or your mobile device. Most of these apps snoop through your...
Et af de vigtigste værktøjer ved digitalt selvforsvar er at bruge pseudonymer. Du kan finde på dem selv eller bruge en sjov service Hej, mit navn er Pernille...
One of the main tools in Digital Selfdefense is using pseudonyms to protect your original identity. You can make up your own fake identities or use Hi, my...
The human brains living on the earth now are the very last ones NOT to have been influenced by the Internet. We are the last human species, who grew...
Over the past couple of years, Steffan and I have researched, reported, debated, written, updated, and rewritten our common project: A book and a website that will help us...