By Pernille Tranberg Privacy is definitely not dead for teens. They want privacy online, they expect it and they act as if they have it. These are just a...
Mens mange stadig er forblændede af Facebook og mener, at det øger deres livskvalitet gevaldigt, begynder vi at se flere og flere, som melder fra. De har fået nok...
Column from DailyDot: By Steffan Heuer and Pernille Tranberg How would you feel if your TV network told you that they’ll only broadcast your favorite shows if you promise...
Dronningen bliver kaldt gammeldags, når hun advarer mod unges overdrevne brug af Facebook. Men er hun ikke bare længere fremme end de fleste. Måske advarer hun os mod at...
Dette indlæg er en oversætttelse af en anbefaling til undervisere i EU-rapporten “Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education” fra ENISA. Danske kommuner og skoler er med til...
Recommendation to Educators from the Authors of “Fake It” Pernille Tranberg & Steffan Heuer Fake It – to Control Your Identity – ENISA report, December 10th December 2012 Kolding,...
Understanding privacy and that use of technology implies risks – not to forget that once information is published on the internet it will never vanish. Such are some of...
New DailyDot Column: Have you heard the one about the two pigs chatting in a pen? “Great place to hang out,” says one pig. “Even the food is free!”...
New column: On the Internet, everybody knows the fact that you love dogs. Or that you date members of the same sex. Or that you take a keen...