Er du en af dem, der bruger SnapChat? Hvis du eller dine unger er under 25 er chancerne for, at du gør, meget store. Den relativt nye photo-app, SnapChat,...
By STEFFAN HEUER and PERNILLE TRANBERG Published first in The Daily Dot Are you an avid user of Snapchat, that kind of person who likes bits that go poof?...
Data brokers is a very lucrative business. Here, at Finnish television TV1 (8.05 minutes in), I am explaining that 1 post on social media or 1 search on a...
TEDxOxford University invited me to Oxford to speak in front of 600 people about our book “Fake It!” Here I introduced the phenomenon of the “datasexual” – a...
TEDxOxford University inviterede mig i fjor til Oxford for at tale (se den her) for 600 deltagere om vores bog Fake It. Her introducerede jeg begrebet dataseksuel, et...
Our column in The Daily Dot: Search results can help predict flu outbreaks. Location data can prove that malaria spreads through human travel rather than mosquitos. Crime stats can...
Fake It got a lot of coverage, when it was launched in Finland March 25th 2013. One of the interesting discussions of the book was a talkshow called Bettinas....
By Pernille Tranberg Ruth Carter from Carter Law Firm attended our session at South By Southwest last Sunday. She wrote a blog post about it, where she write that...
Speaking at SXSW 2013 about our book Fake It was an amazing experience. At a conference where curiosity rules and scepticism is for scientists, NGOs, journalists and alike, it...